Tom's Creek Road, Blacksburg, VA, 24060 | call 540-577-1243

Photos, Maps, Surveys

Current Photos - January 2009

Property is bound on the North by Route 460 and to the East by Tom's Creek Road



Aerial Photos - Taken in 2005

Close-up View of Parcel - All trees shown in photo parallel to Rt. 460 have been removed since photo taken.
Mid View of Parcel - All trees shown in photo parallel to Rt. 460 have been removed since photo taken.
Wide View of Parcel - All trees shown in photo parallel to Rt. 460 have been removed since photo taken.



1991 Survey of Subject Parcel - Most overhead utility lines have been removed since survey.
1993 Survey of Adjacent Parcel - With our permission, adjacent landowner currently uses parking lot located entirely on subject parcel, and uses about seventy-one (71) feet on road frontage of Tom's Creek Road. Adjacent landowner has signed letter acknowledging encroachments on subject property, and acknowledges he has no ownership interest nor vested right to use parking lot or road frontage: Acknowledgement Letter.
Topographical Survey - Gives accurate elevations and contours for subject parcel. Elevations outside of parcel boundary have changed as a result of interchange completed in July 2007. All trees over 6" in diameter shown on survey have been removed since survey. Verizon pedestal on parcel, next to sidewalk at entry to adjacent apartments, has been removed.
1991 Survey-Modified - Survey modified to reflect property boundary after property taken by Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for interchange completed in 2007, also showing easements taken by Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for Verizon and American Electric Power, and designating location where 'Limited Access' ends on Tom's Creek Road.